Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A new day

So myspace and facebook are no longer a part of my world. It was just time to let it go for awhile... but however will my friends and family keep up with the day to day happenings of the Youngblood family now that I have no status to update every five minutes? Hello Blogger :) It'll probably work better for me this way in the end... I mean I honestly like to talk more than I listen anyway. So welcome, welcome, welcome... hopefully the look of it all will start shaping up as we come along and I learn more about the blogosphere.

So for starters, Christmas. I feel like the entire holiday season has completely passed me by. I've been so caught up in the drama of existing lately that I have shunned all things merry or jolly. That is so unlike me... but I've been a bit unlike myself for a year or so now. I've asked Santa Claus to bring me a little piece of mind for Christmas, and I feel like he's delivering the goods (albeit not as fast as I would like, but something is better than nothing). I feel better today than I've felt in a week. Cameron and I are making cupcakes for his class tonight and I am so excited about that. I had decided to hang up my oven mits for the season because I didn't really feel like I had it in me to bake or breathe... or really do anything. Boy was that a bad idea. I belong in the kitchen. It's where I find my zen. I'm letting him take the reigns on this one. I know what I want to do, but I'm going to give him designer's choice. He's been coming up with all these ideas lately of things he wants to make and try, and I really want to get in his head and see where his creativity is going. God willing and with enough sugar and water, I'm going to create whatever madness he comes up with. I left him with a stack of cupcake books for inspiration this morning.

Last night we had his Christmas program at school. Wow. My son is literally a dude. He doesn't give two flips about what he looks like as long as he's comfortable. We're walking up to the school yesterday and Michael and I notice that he's walking really funny... kind of duck-like. About half way to the door I finally asked him what the deal was and he responded in a very "duh" like voice that his shoes were too big. When I asked him why he'd wear shoes that were too big, again the "duh" voice, that they didn't have laces and he didn't want to have to tie his shoes. Um, are you kidding me? So I tell him he's walking like a duck and Avery bursts out into hysterical laughter and starts yelling "quack quack Bubby" over.and over. and over. So after drawing an immense amount of attention to ourselves, we finally make it inside where Cameron manages to completely conceal himself from all angles on the risers. I guess it didn't really matter that he looked ridiculous in his shoes because all we saw was a chubby third grade girl in an ill fitting pink dress and an occasional shot of Cameron's ear poking out from behind her. The pictures should turn out awesome. And speaking of pictures, I will be keeping myself busy today deleting the 24 shots of the black family sitting next to us that Avery took with my phone to cure her boredom. Ahhh life.

Today is the day that I am going to get a job offer. I feel it in my bones.

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